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Adherence to IC treatment

Intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC) has long been recognised as the gold standard in treating bladder issues. But research indicates that non-adherence is still alarmingly high. Why are patients not adhering to treatment – and how can you support them in doing so?

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Dealing with UTIs

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the concerns that catheter users and nurses rank highest. On average, an intermittent catheter user has 2,7 UTIs per year. What can be done to bring this figure down?

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Training IC is a complex task – and no two patients are the same…

Although patient needs will always be different, there are a number of things you can do to make sure you plan and conduct an effective IC training. In this section, you’ll find tips on what your training session should consist of as well as hands-on advice from experienced nurses. We also provide training tools that you can use and share with your patients.